If hydromulching on bare dirt or existing lawn, remove any big rocks or tightly clustered rocks prior to. Remove , leaves, sticks, thatch, etc
Scratch top surface areas with a rake if water will not penetrate through soil, such as hard slick clay areas. Or low areas which retained water, then dried and crusted soil.
Or use our soil loosener to apply yourself! Go to: Drought/Soil Compaction Juice saves on initial watering also. Or order on your quote/schedule form to be applied with your hydromulch.
Note: If you deside to till, do not till up live weeds, you will have more weeds than ever, weeds will need to be killed first, then till.
Or kill weeds then mow weeds to ground surface, then hydromulch.
Note: If you have rye planted, it will need to be killed off first, or wait until mother-nature burns it off first or second week of June before planting bermuda.
Also if you are herbiciding rye, wait until you are in the bermuda start season to do this!
If you decide to add topsoil but not necessary but can help germination a bit. Be sure to not cover live weeds they will need to be killed off first before scraping or adding topsoil.
Be sure your weed killer states on the package that you can plant 8-10 days after applying.
If you feel you have terrible soil but do not want to add any topsoil, no problem, our Sure Green Hydro-LR is added to our tank on every hydromulch job which will literally make dead soil turn to live
soil within a month or less! Works on clay, black,sandy or sandy loam, any soil type.
If you have a lot of weeds, consider our Lawn Startup Package. Our Lawn Startup consist of a herbicide application and hydromulch 10-15 days after your herbicide application.
Earliest time start to herbicide is April 20th. This package is for the warm season grasses.
*For Bermuda. Season (starts late April or first of May).For the latest time to seed bermuda or warm season grass, would be the first week of Sept.
*For cool season grasses like Rye, Fescue, Winter Package, or cool season Natives is Oct 15 through 1st week of March. Except for Fescue which is Oct 15th- fisrt week of Feb.
When scheduling for bermuda or warm season grasses or our Lawn Startup, scheduling can be done early to get on our work list.
We will have you on file for when the season starts. You will receive a tracker # to see where you are at on our work list.
When your # reaches the top or close to, we will call you to set a quick service date.
When out of season or you have emergent in your soil. If your bare dirt or existing lawn was treated with emergents for controlment of weeds,
You will need to know how long the extension of the chemical is, 2,4,6, months etc; before seeding.
Pre Emergents will hamper seed growth or not allow any germination at all, until extension runs out.
Weed and Feed also has emergent in it. We recommend keeping emergent out of soil at all times.
How Our Quotes Work
You can view our prices. If you decide to get on schedule, then fill out the form.
Once you click the get on schedule, you will be directed to the Service In Progress page . There will be a circle spinning, this means we have received your info.
Allow up to 1-24 hours for your tracker number to update in our system.
You will have received a confirmation email with your service tracker# and a description of service requested.
You can view where you are at on schedule through the Service Tracker.
When you reach the top or close to the top, we will call to schedule a day to service, for which day works best for us and the customer. Usually the next 1-3 days or when the customers ready.
Thank You! We look forward to serving you!