Sure Green`s Organic Developments

What Is Happening?

2024 April

New product tested for indoor and outdoor plants for appearance and growth. Designed to lift drooping leaves and flower pedals of plants. Designed for extended growth and development. Designed to green leaf tissue. Ongoing organic testing and development completed satisfactory in April 2024. Plant Enhancer

2023 August

New product tested in high triple digit heat for lawns showed promising results for soil and lawn.Fertility soil test were conducted at ideal fertility in a 30 day period.Keeping soil micros active and UV protection in tack during heat stress.New advanced technology from our liquid lawn restore developed in year of 2007. Ongoing organic testing and development completed satisfactory in Aug 2023. Lawn & Soil Restore

2022 July

New product tested in high heat to combat compacted soils and conserve water by retaining moisture.Compaction was reduced significantly and a 50% plus water savings. Ongoing organic testing and development completed satisfactory in July 2022. Soil Compaction Juice/Soil loosener

2022 May

Ongoing organic testing and development completed satisfactory in May 2022. Turf Booster

2021 March

Grub and army worm prevention product, rids grubs and army worms organically. A test run was tried on army worms 8 years prior which was a success, but now available for grub control as well. Ongoing organic testing and development completed satisfactory in March 2021. Grub & Army Worm

2020 Feb

Development of a organic spray for diseased leaf tissue and insect damage to plants. After several trials was a success. Plant leaf improved. Diminished most insect damage including white flies. Organic testing and development completed satisfactory in Feb 2020. Plant Leaf Spray

2011 April

Development of a organic rooting powder to allow plant roots to repair themselves and grow new bud shoots. Results showed recovery of plants that were at 50% and more of lost leaves. In most situations new leaf buds were visible from ground up and improvement of existing leaves by mixing solution in water and pouring around base trunk. Organic testing and development completed satisfactory in April 2011. Root powder

2007 April

Being in the hydromulch industry for years, we noticed a change in our soils, especially a year or two before the year 2007. Growth of seeds seemed to deminish, germination slowed. Before this time we were using chemical fertilizers which worked great, but now we knew we had to change our strategy and convert to organics. Reason behind this was we lost soil fertility and micros in at least 90% or more in soils, when tested showed to be the issue. There was a challenge moving forward. Organics did not improve soil conditions at a fast enough pace to germinate seeds properly. Soil had to be improved daily and ideal in 30 days. Ongoing testing and development was done to reach these goals.Fastly we reached our goal to improve soil quality at ideal fertility within 30 days. We use this product now in our hydromulch business for faster germination of seeds. Development completed satisfactory in April 2007 started in Feb 2006. Sure Green Hydro-LR

2005-2006 March

Ramping up new technology in the organic industry using our own strategies, testing and development for organic fertilizers.